I incorporated Flurry Analytics into the latest version of Foto Flipper to try and get a handle on who my users are.
The initial numbers are in and, to my surprise, it seems like the key market for the app is 17 year old girls. I'm not sure what I really expected, but thinking about it, if I'm aiming at the "selfie" market, I guess this makes sense.
So the question is, what do I do with this knowledge? The app is ad supported, so I'm looking for as many eyeballs as possible, and to keep them in the app for as long as I can. So to try and increase the former, I'm going to attempt to make the app a more appealing download to my target audience. Although I like the green colour, I think the app currently has a fairly sterile masculine feel to it. So along with other bug fixes in the next version, I'm giving it a new more friendly icon and re-skinning it to a nice bright pink. Let's see what effect this has.